
Better bedding for Healthier Horses

  • Promotional Feature with BedMax

    Autumn is approaching and owners all over the UK are beginning to bring their horses into their stables at night. It’s that time of the year when you need to order more bedding, but which bedding do you choose? And why…?

    In our national BEDMAX Equine Health survey carried out in March this year, over 80% of the 1040 owners who responded confirmed that their horses spent at least 12 hours out of every 24 in their stables throughout the winter months. During this same six-month period, over 40% of the horses whose owners completed the survey had experienced health problems that required veterinary treatment and box rest.

    In the BEDMAX survey, 50% of the equine health problems experienced during the winter months were respiratory and hoof diseases.s to their health and wellbeing.

    In the BEDMAX survey, by far the most common of the equine health problems experienced during the winter months were respiratory and hoof diseases.

    Respiratory disease is widely recognised as the most widespread equine health problem affecting horses in the UK, and many other places throughout the world. In most cases respiratory disease can be prevented by better stable management – including the use of a high quality, dust free bedding.

    Eliminating dust from shavings has been our over-riding priority for BEDMAX ever since we began researching and developing our purpose-made bedding 20 years ago. Respiratory health is the cornerstone of a horse’s overall health and performance, so ensuring clean air in the stable, free from airborne dust and spores, is absolutely vital.

    BEDMAX and LITTLEMAX shavings are made in three dedicated BEDMAX production facilities where airborne dust is screened and vacuum-extracted throughout the process. But they’re also designed to help owners prevent their horses from suffering a range of other equine health problems.

    Hoof disease is a problem that many horse owners face and BEDMAX is specifically designed so that every bag of contains a combination of large, medium and small shavings that create a deep, aerated bed that drains moisture down away from the surface and also avoids the build-up of ammonia on the surface of the bed which can be damaging to hooves. Additionally, BEDMAX supports the horse’s hooves firmly, particularly under the frog where it is essential.

    Dried at sterilising temperatures to a controlled moisture content, these shavings help to prevent hooves from drying out too much and cracking. In addition, BEDMAX shavings are made primarily from Scots Pine timber, which has unique, naturally anti-bacterial properties that help in the vital battle to keep the stable hygienic.

    As a company we have always recognised that the vast majority of owners want the best for their horses and would do anything to safeguard them from ill-health and injury. That is precisely why we developed BEDMAX shavings in the first place, and continue to develop and improve this bestselling British bedding as the essential foundation for the health and wellbeing of your horse when stabled.


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