
Horse & Hound website users vote to boycott Lush

  • More than half of the Horse & Hound website users who took part in last week’s H&H online vote (52%) said they would be boycotting Lush over its decision to raise money for the Hunt Saboteurs Association (news, 15 October).

    And another 36% said they never bought from Lush anyway.

    Nearly 2,000 people participated in the online vote and only 9% of those said they would definitely still buy at Lush. The other 3% had no particular view (see page 8).

    High street cosmetics store Lush launched a new product on 19 October, the Fabulous Mrs Fox bubble bar (pictured), which will be on sale until Boxing Day with all profits going to the anti-hunt group.

    Lush is also distributing anti-hunt leaflets in store.

    View the results of the online poll.

    This news story was first published in Horse & Hound (29 October, ’09)

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