
First-timer’s countdown to Badminton: 20 days to go

  • As you read this I will be on my way back to Tyrella in Northern Ireland for the third and final time this spring.

    Patris Filius is doing the CIC*** as his final prep run before Badminton Horse Trials. I’m hoping that Ian [Stark] will be on hand to give me some help with the dressage when I arrive and also to walk the course with me. I’ve seen a couple of the fences and they look pretty big!

    As Filius competed last weekend and was relatively well behaved, he has had a slightly easier time this week. He tends to go better at the big events when he’s fresh; I think he likes to have time to psych himself up! He also had a massage, which he loves, so I’m hoping he’s feeling on top form.

    While he’s had an easier week, the same can’t be said for me. I’ve had a pretty busy time with Sport Scotland lottery-funded show jumping training with John Ledingham; taking my other horses cross-country schooling; and I’ve been getting my mum to lunge me on Filius to improve my position. Filius has such a bouncy trot that I feel as if I’m going to fall off when I have no stirrups or reins, but I keep telling myself it will be worth the effort!

    As I want to be really fit in time for Badminton, I decided to start running from the yard back to my house about 2 miles away; it feels much further than that after doing a day’s work! I also go to a regular callanetics class, but unfortunately I missed it this week, so I’ll have to go for a double session next week to make up for it. Fingers crossed come 1 May I will be as fit and raring to go as Filius will be!

    Bye for now, Olivia

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