
Could you offer an Olympic ‘crash pad’?

  • Horse & Hound has set up a forum on the website to bring together readers who are attending the London 2012 Olympic Games, and those who are able to offer places in the London area for people to stay, park or camp.

    Web editor Carol Phillips said: “We expect demand for hotels to be huge, so we hope that our London-based readers will extend their great hospitality to like-minded equestrian enthusiasts by offering them places to stay.

    “Even space to pitch a tent in a garden would be welcome.”

    This web forum is simply a place for users to meet and to arrange stays with one another and H&H takes no responsibility for the accommodation offered or actions of forum users.

    Those using the forum must be at least 18 years old and must register to become forum members before being able to join in discussions.

    To find out more, go to www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums, register or log-in, then go to the registered users area and click on the London 2012 Greenwich Crash Pads.

    This news story was first published in the current issue of Horse & Hound (18 August, 2011)

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