
Record side saddle turnout expected at Quorn opening meet

  • Leicestershire side saddle doyenne Emma Brown is hoping for a record number of ladies riding aside at the Quorn opening meet (Friday, 26 October).

    Last year Miss Brown encouraged 28 ladies from as far afield as Wales to take to the field. And this year’s opening meet looks set to attract even more enthusiasts.

    “We will definitely have more than 30 this time,” she said.

    “I’ve got rebookings from last year and at least one lorry load coming from Ireland.”

    Miss Brown stressed that recent converts to side saddle should not be deterred from visiting the Quorn country.

    “There are some nice hedges and rails and we have a chap on a little cob who’s chaperoning all the girls who don’t want to jump,” she added.

    For help with stabling and hirelings call Emma Brown, tel: 07771 984823.

    This news story was first published in the current issue of H&H (18 October 2012)

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