- Basset packs in England & Wales
- Beagle packs in England & Wales (A-N)
- Beagle packs in England & Wales (O-W)
- Beagle packs in Ireland
- Bloodhound packs in the UK
- Draghound packs in the UK
- Foxhound packs in England & Wales (A-C)
- Foxhound packs in England & Wales (D-H)
- Foxhound packs in England & Wales (I-O)
- Foxhound packs in England & Wales (P-S)
- Foxhound packs in England & Wales (T-Z)
- Foxhound packs in Ireland (A-I)
- Foxhound packs in Ireland (K-W)
- Foxhound packs in Scotland
- Harrier packs in England & Wales
- Harrier packs in Ireland
- Mink hound packs in the UK
- Staghound packs in the UK
All information supplied by Baily’s,Chesterton Mill, French’s Road, Cambridge CB4 3NP.
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