
Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre auctions off Michael Owen stable visit

  • A visit to England and Newcastle United footballer Michael Owen’s stables is one of the lots up for grabs at this year’s Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre summer lunch and auction.

    Fans of the footballer Michael Owen have the chance to bid for a visit to his racehorse training complex in Chester.

    The summer lunch and auction will be held on Thursday 23 July at Chester racecourse — and will be attended by TRC patrons Michael Owen and his wife, Louise.

    Carrie Humble from TRC said: “The fund-raising lunch is going to be an enormously enjoyable occasion to support the work of the Thoroughbred Rehabilitation Centre. We are very grateful to our patrons and to the racecourse for their help and support.”

    Another lot is a half day for a winning bidder and their dog with TRC patron and companion animal instructor Sarah Fisher — plus tea with Sarah and her husband actor Anthony Head.

    Tickets are £85 and can be purchased from the TRC office on 01524 812649.

    For more information visit: www.thoroughbredrehabilitationcentre.co.uk.

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