
Dutch showjumper Albert Zoer suffers blood clot in brain

  • Dutch showjumper Albert Zoer, 38, was taken to hospital after suffering from what is thought to have been a small stroke last Wednesday (9 October).

    Albert, who has previously won team gold at the European and World Championships collapsed whilst eating in a restaurant and was rushed to hospital.

    Doctors believe that he had a blood clot in his brain.  He spent two days in hospital but has now been discharged.

    “I am feeling much better now,” he told H&H.

    “The doctors still dont know for sure what it is and I have to go back to the hospital on Monday for more tests.”

    “I am doing little things but I have not been riding. I am hoping that when I go back to the hospital on Monday they will say everything is fine.”

    In 2008 Albert was forced to miss the Beijing Olympics when he broke his leg whilst training a young horse. After the double fracture he rode with pins in his leg despite being barely able to walk.

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