
Polo takes centre stage on CBS News 60 Minutes

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    Polo was the focus of American news channel CBS News’ 60 Minutes TV programme last week.

    The episode featured top Argentine polo star Ignacio Figueras, known as Nacho, who is the face of Ralph Lauren and is campaigning to bring the sport to a wide audience.

    In a small equestrian centre in west Philadelphia, children from the city are learning how to play the sport, in an attempt to combate preconceptions that polo is the exclusive domain of the rich and famous.

    Describing the sport as a “war” and “like playing golf in an earthquake”, Nacho tells CBS News correspondent Lara Logan there is nothing genteel about playing polo.

    Watch the TV programme below.

    The video below shows how the production team got some of the amazing footage included in the TV programme. While no horses were injured in the making of the programme, the same can’t be said for the camera equipment!

    Find out more about CBS News’ 60 Minutes

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