
Online directory for equestrian creative professionals

  • An online directory of creative professionals who specialise in the equestrian industry has been launched.

    The Equestrian Creative Network (ECN) aims to help you find the right person for your project — whether you need a photographer, artist, web developer or copywriter.

    Members create an online portfolio of their work — including images, videos and testimonials — linking through to their site, blog and social media channels.

    Liam Killen, creator of the ECN told H&H: “As web designers ourselves we are acutely aware of the issues facing the creative side of the equestrian industry.

    “That’s why we created the ECN , to give creatives specialising in the equestrian industry a targeted platform to showcase their work.”

    The ECN is offering a third off the first year of membership to those who sign up in March, using the discount code ‘ECNwelcome’.

    For more information visit www.equestriancreativenetwork.com

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