
Careers open day for BHS students

  • Wellington Riding EC has organised an open day for BHS exam students in April

    If you are looking for a place to train towards your BHS Preliminary Instructor qualification, don’t miss Wellington Riding EC’s careers open day on Easter Monday, 1 April.

    Based in Hook, near the Hampshire/Berkshire borders, Wellington Riding is a BHS training centre which offers both year-long and intensive courses to prepare students for their BHS stages I – III and PTT exams.

    The open day starts at 10am with the two-hour morning session focusing on the centre’s year-long working pupil course. The centre’s 12-week intensive course will be outlined during the afternoon (2-4pm).

    “Students who would like to be considered for our courses should contact us before the open day so we can organise a riding assessment to take place while they are here,” explains Wellington Riding spokesperson Diane Starkey.

    Wellington aims for students to pass their BHS Stage III and Preliminary Teaching Test during the courses, although students need to be capable of riding at stage II level before being accepted for the intensive option.

    “Students who choose the year-long course and pass their exams early can start gaining their teaching hours towards the Assistant Instructor qualification,” says Diane.

    “Because Wellington is official BHS training centre, the 500 hours are reduced to 250, which enable some students on working pupil course to gain the full BHS Assistant Instructor qualification.”

    For more information contact Wellington Riding (tel: 0118 932 6308).

  • Click here to read about working as a freelance instructor.
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